STRAP Number:
Flood Insurance Rate Map zones assigned by FEMA:
X: Moderate to low risk zones also known as “Outside the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)”; flood insurance is not mandatory in this zone, however, lenders, on their own initiative, may require the purchase of flood insurance even if a building is located outside the SFHA. Approximately 40% of flood damage and National Flood Insurance policy claims occur in areas identified as moderate and low risk zones on flood maps.
A, AE, AO, AH & VE: High risk flood zones also known as “In the SFHA”; mortgage lenders will likely require flood insurance on property in these zones.
The “EL” referenced in the flood zone information section (example: AE-EL29) indicates that there is an elevation assigned by FEMA. This is called the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), which is the expected or anticipated height that flood waters would rise to compared to the mean sea level. The BFE is measured in feet using the North American Vertical Datum of 1988.
For “A” zones that don’t reference a BFE, these are named “A with estimated BFE” but may also be commonly referred to as “Un-numbered A zones”. Lee County has provided estimated or “community determined” Base Flood Elevations for these areas.
If you need a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) determination letter or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) letter for a parcel located in unincorporated Lee County, please call Lee County Community Development at (239) 533-8585 and ask for a Certified Floodplain Manager or email to request a letter.
Residents of the following incorporated jurisdictions may obtain flood information from that municipality as they independently participate in the NFIP and regulate their own SFHA (or floodplain); Bonita Springs (239-444-6150), Cape Coral (239-574-0553), Fort Myers (239-321-7925), Sanibel (239-472-3700), Village of Estero (239-319-2811) and Town of Fort Myers Beach (239-765-0202).
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